Ask the Business Managers!
Are you a member of the Carpenters’ Electrical Local 57? Do you have questions about the IBEW or our campaign to help you? Here is our video from our April 12th Ask the Business Managers live event with special guests Brothers Kevin Anderson, Paul Nuspl, and Zach Hesterberg.
To the electrical workers of Carpenters’ Local 57:
In January of this year we began encouraging you to sign a union authorization card granting the IBEW the right to represent you. The goal is to gather enough cards to file a representation petition with the NLRB. If we are successful, you will be given an opportunity to choose your union representative. The IBEW wants to represent you.
During site visits, nearly every one of you said, “I’m not signing a card, but if I get a vote, I will vote for the IBEW, nobody will vote for 57!” Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. If you want a choice, you MUST submit a card using the online form published on this site. If you’re unsure, please take the time to review the information published on this site and compare the IBEW with the Carpenters’ Local 57 – the differences are significant. If you’re still not sure after reviewing the differences, please reach out to us using one of the methods listed on the Contact Us page. If you would like to ask your questions directly to Business Manager Frank Jacobs, the principal officer of the local union, let us know the best time to meet with by submitting a meeting request using this form.
Grant us the right to fight for you and we will. Everyone that supported our effort in 2019 that wanted to join us is now a member of the IBEW.
One of the biggest obstacles we faced throughout this campaign was fear. Local 57 members are afraid to talk openly with the IBEW’s organizers. We promise that any information you provide will be held in the strictest confidence.