The following thought-provoking questions help illustrate why we are trying to give you a choice of better union representation:
- Do you directly elect the union leaders that negotiate your contract and control your working conditions?
- Do the officers you elect have any control over your working conditions?
- Do you and your coworkers vote to ratify your collective bargaining agreement?
- Did your union provide you with a copy of your currently active collective bargaining agreement? (download it here)
- Do you feel a part of the larger labor union community?
- Do you care if your coworkers earn less or more than you?
- Do you know what your coworkers are earning?
- Do you care that you earn less than the prevailing economic standards set by the IBEW in our region?
- If you get laid-off, what employment options do you have?
- Are you paid overtime after 10-hours of work per day (see pages 8 – 10)?
- Are you able to file a grievance without fear of retribution?
- Are you afraid to speak openly with your union representative?
- Have you ever received an email layoff?
- Has your local union ever worked to help you find employment after you were laid-off?
- Have you worked alone or managed crews as an apprentice?
- Are you concerned about the safety of apprentices working alone?
- Are you satisfied with the training offered by your union?
- What happens if you lose your job before you complete the Local 57 apprenticeship program?
- Did your union recently appoint a representative as a result of our efforts to help you?
- Did you or any of your coworkers receive wage and/or benefit increases as a result of the work of the IBEW to help you?
Of all of these questions the one that should concern you the most is the lack of proper supervision of Local 57 apprentices. During site visits, we frequently encounter apprentices with little supervision or working alone. During a recent visit to a project at a major university in St. Louis, we counted two journeymen supervising 13 apprentices. We have also encountered apprentices supervising other apprentices and apprentices running service calls alone. We are genuinely concerned for your safety. The IBEW in St. Louis enforces a standard journeyman-to-apprentice ratio of 3:2, or 3 journeyman for every 2 apprentices on a project. Electrical construction and maintenance can be very dangerous, what happens if you get hurt and no one is nearby to help you? We care!
Many of you have expressed your desire for a better training program. If our campaign to help you is successful, you will gain access to the IBEW’s world class training programs. Learn more about our world class training!

If you wish to electronically sign a union authorization card granting the IBEW Local 1 the right to represent you, please click here. Information submitted by you on an authorization card will always be kept strictly confidential.